
The Master is back in Class! James J. Greico


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Simply the best. Most hours per class.


Our Comprehensive Study Solutions Are:

Comprehensive Textbooks, Online Question Bank Tools, In-Depth Live Instruction engineered to get you pass your exam

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Online learning through Zoom

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Tailored Training and Coaching

Pass Your Exam, Develop your business, Jumpstart your career

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Our Company

About Us

Our goal is provide our students with all the necessary knowledge to both pass their securities licensing exams and excel in their respective careers. For 28+ years, Greico Financial has trained over 500,000 thousands brokers, investment bankers, financial advisors, managing directors, operations principals and traders in adherence to this philosophy.

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On Demand

Online Classes From
The Comfort of Anywhere
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Greico Engineering

Engineered For High Retention &
Superior Exam Performance
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Learn Your Way

3 Types of Learning Styles
Visual Learner

Learns best by presentations, pictures and charts

Auditory Learner

Learns best by listening to patterns, rhymes, and songs

Tactile Learner

Learns best by experiencing or doing things such as writes notes then rewrites them after class

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Our Classroom

Unique Greico Experience

The Greico In-Class Experience is unique in that it is engineered to appeal to all learning styles (Audio, Visual, and Tactile) especially for the newer generations who need higher levels of stimulation and the older generations who need the curriculum presented in the context of a story. All our courses and programs are created for maximum retention and learning efficiency, resulting in better exam performance.

Recent Blog Posts

The Greico method makes the difference. The classroom lessons are taught effectively- not powerpoint presentations- I actually learned the material. The lessons, notes and manual are used in combination which helped me understand, learn and then remember the material on test day. I scored 93 on one test and 88 on the other. Thank you Greico Financial!! Michael P.

Alex and Jimmy are the best. They made the information for the Series 28 come to life where you can understand the information in real time. I don’t think I could have done this without you. You gave me the extra I needed to pass. Thank you so much. Cynthia B.

James and Alex are dynamic and enthusiastic tutors. While I was studying for Series 7, James & Alex showed extreme professionalism and competence. They provided others and myself with various techniques in tackling this MONSTER exam Series 7. Peyman N.